Let’s talk about LLM 😉

Hi, I'm

Soubhi Hadri

Data Scientist

[email protected] - Résumé - 3D Gallery - Leave me a message

Experienced data scientist with a strong background in software engineering and data science, passionate about AI/ML and LLM. Proven track record in delivering innovative solutions at the intersection of technology and data science. Committed to staying current with the latest advancements in AI/ML and LLM.

Microsoft Corp.
Senior Data Scientist
* Collaborating with Microsoft's key clients to implement innovative AI solutions, enhancing their existing processes.
* Designing end-to-end data and AI processes, following best practices.
* Conducting extensive dataset exploration, developing and evaluating models and delivering production MLOps pipelines.
* Design and develop enterprise-level systems leveraging Large Language Models (LLM).
Mar 2022 - Present, Cambridge, MA, USA

Software Engineer
* Utilized the big-data platform in Azure stack to help in empowering every person in the organization to mature their data driven decisions and achieve more.
* Designed and implemented an end-to-end solution to provide new hired employees' data to enhance their onboarding experience. The system is optimized to have low cost and maintenance.
* Re-designed and implemented a newer version of one of our main data products (employees' devices data). The newer version is easily configurable, has less lines of code (~100 in compare to 11000 lines in the older version) and improved runtime performance by 50%.
* Worked on multiple data products that provided insights on employee's' experience and showed the possible areas of improvement.
* Technologies: Spark, Databricks, Synapse, Azure Cloud technologies.
Sep 2020 - Mar 2022, Redmond, WA, USA

Computer Vision Engineer
Shiseido Group 資生堂
* Conducting research related to virtual arts and makeup.
* Developing and deploying C++ native algorithms into web using Emscripten.
* Deploying native algorithms into Android apps using JNI and CMake.
* Optimizing algorithms to be more efficient and run in real-time.
* Developed a smart web-based face annotation tool using JS, TensorFlow-JS and OpenCVJS.
* Working with GPU using OpenGL/WebGL.
* SHISEIDO Virtual Addon Makeup
Jan 2019 - Sep 2020 Boston, MA, USA

Scientific Researcher
SySSR الجمعية السورية للبحث العلمي
* Image Processing Researcher.
* Mentor in Engineering Clubs.
2019 - Present USA

Graduate Research Assistant
University of Oklahoma
* Conducted research in Computer Vision (Object detection and tracking, Collision avoidance and Gestures recognition).
* Worked in Optecks lab on OttoFly project for autonomous drones
* C++, CMake, Boost, OpenCV, Point Cloud Library and Ardupilot.
* Developed websites using Joomla.
* Developed an android application for real time video streaming.
2017 - 2019 Tulsa, OK

Mobile Developer
Namaa Solutions
* Developed Native Android and iOS application.

May 2016 Aug 2016 - Gaziantep, Turkey

Augmented Reality Developer
* Developed AR Mobile application using Wikitude.

Dec 2015 Jan 2017 - Mersin, Turkey

Software Developer
* PHP developer with Zend framework.
* Worked on EduTech system.

2014 - Aleppo, Syria

Software Developer
* Developed iOS & Android applications.

2013 - Present

NANODEGREE PROGRAM, Flying Car and Autonomous Flight
2020 - Udacity
MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering
2017 - Dec 2018 - University of Oklahoma
Bachelor in Computer Science GPA: 3.88/4.00
2011 - 2015 - University of Aleppo

Transportation Research Board Journal (TRP) - 2020. International Journal of Applied Science and Research - 2020. Do you want to get hired as a Computer Vision Engineer? - 2020. Do you want to get hired as a Computer Vision Engineer? - 2020. Master Thesis - 2018 Do you want to get hired as a Computer Vision Engineer? - 2018. Implementation of face detection in iOS using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers in OpenCV - 2018/
* Deep Learning Specialization (5 courses) | Coursera
The most interesting aspect about this specialization is that it was launched recently, in 2017. Therefore, it covers a variety of key concepts and networks in deep learning. The courses in this specialization also explain many types of NN, such as CNN, Neural Style, RNN, LSTM, etc. Additionally, Keras and Tensorflow are used in some of the assignments. I recommend these courses for anyone wants to start learning in this field; moreover, Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition is also recommended. Note that this specialization is taught by Prof. Andrew NG!
* Deep Learning by Prof. Samuel Cheng | University Of Oklahoma

* Machine Learning Specialization (4 courses) | Coursera by University of Washington
This specialization is the most favorite one for me. I strongly recommend it and they start from scratch. The only negative side about it in my opinion is using GraphLab python library which is free for Academic Use. You can find almost all the functions in scikit-learn python library.
* Big Data | University Of Oklahoma

* Introduction to Game Development | Coursera by Michigan State University

* Control of Mobile Robots | Coursera by Georgia Institute of Technology
I like the idea of "Glu lectures" used in this course. It does not dig too much into details. Also recommended for anyone wants to start in Robotic world.
It is a well-known course with 11 weeks of heavy study. No comments needed ^_^.
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